Odahuflowctl (odahuflowctl
) is a command-line interface for interacting with Odahu-flow API service.
- Python 3.6 or higher
Odahu-flow CLI is available in PyPi repository. You should execute the following command to install odahuflowctl
pip install odahu-flow-cli
odahuflowctl --version
To read odahuflowctl help, you should use the following command:
odahuflowctl --help
for a specific command, for example, get list of model deployments:
odahuflowctl deployment get --help
There are two authentication types for Odahu CLI.
Specifying of a token explicitly¶
You should open an API server URL in a browser to get the login command. The command already contains your token. Copy and paste provided command into your shell.
Example of command:
odahuflowctl login --url <api-url> --token <your-token>
Sign in interactively¶
This method will use a web browser to sign in.
Run the login command:
odahuflowctl login --url <api-url>
Odahu CLI will open an IAM server in your default browser. Sign in with your account credentials.
cli supports completion for following shells: bash, zsh, fish, PowerShell.
To activate it, evaluate the output of odahuflowctl completion <YOUR_SHELL>
is the optional, it can be automatically identified.
Bash example:
source <(odahuflowctl completion bash)
PowerShell example:
odahuflowctl completion > $HOME\.odahuflow\odahu_completion.ps1;
. $HOME\.odahuflow\odahu_completion.ps1;
Remove-Item $HOME\.odahuflow\odahu_completion.ps1
To activate completion automatically in any new shell, you can save the completion code to a file and add it to your shell profile.
Bash example:
odahuflowctl completion bash > ${HOME}/.odahuflow/odahuflowctl_completion.sh
(echo ""; echo "source ${HOME}/.odahuflow/odahuflowctl_completion.sh"; echo "") >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
PowerShell example:
write "`n# odahuflowctl completion" (odahuflowctl completion) >> $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts