API service manages Odahu Platform entities.

API service can provide the following data, when queried:

API-provided URLs

All information about URLs that API service provides can be viewed using the auto-generated, interactive Swagger page. It is located at <api-address>/swagger/index.html. You can read all of the up-to-date documentation and invoke all methods (allowed for your account) right from this web page.

Authentication and authorization

API service distributed in odahu-flow-core helm chart with enabled authorization and pre-defined OPA policies. If Security Subsystem is installed, then all requests to API service will be enforced using pre-defined OPA policies.

Implementation details

API service is a REST server, written in GoLang. For easy integration, it provides a Swagger endpoint with up-to-date protocol information.

Technologies used GoLang
Distribution representation Docker Image
Source code location packages/operator
Can be used w/o Odahu Platform? Yes
Does it connect to other services? Yes (Kubernetes API)
Can it be deployed locally? If a local Kubernetes cluster is present
Does it provide any interface? Yes (HTTP REST API)