Integration Testing

This page provides information about testing of ODAHU. ODAHU uses Robot Framework for an integration, system and end-to-end testings.

All tests are located in the following directories of the ODAHU project:

  • packages/robot/ - a python package with additional Robot libraries. For example: kubernetes, auth_client, feedback, and so on.
  • packages/tests/stuff/ - setup, cleanup scripts and artifacts for integration testing. For example: pre-trained ML artifacts, test toolchain integrations, and so on.
  • packages/tests/e2e/ - directory with the Robot Framework tests.

Preparing for testing

It’s expected that you are using a Unix-like operating system and have installed conda (4.10+), preferably miniconda.

  1. Clone ODAHU project from git repository and proceed to main dir – odahu-flow.

  2. Create Conda virtual environment with python version 3.6+.

  3. Update and/or install pip and setuptools:

    $ pip install -U pip setuptools
  4. Proceed to the odahu-flow main directory where the Makefile is located and run make command:

    /odahu-flow$ make install-all 
  5. Check that odahuflowctl works:

    /odahu-flow$ odahuflowctl
  6. Also, you should have installed jq and rclone packages.

Running tests

We set up robot tests for gke-odahu-flow-test cluster in the example below.

NB. Do not forget change your cluster url and odahu-flow version.

  1. By default put cluster_profile.json file in odahu-flow/.secrets/ folder (by default) or you can specify another default name of file or directory in ‘Makefile’ in parameters: SECRET_DIR and CLUSTER_PROFILE.

  2. You can optionally override the following parameters in .env file (which by default are taken from Makefile).


    For that, you should create .env file in the main dir of the project (odahu-flow).

  3. In our example, we will override the parameters of Makefile in .env file:

    # Cluster name
    # Optionally, you can provide RobotFramework settings below.
    # Additional robot parameters. For example, you can specify tags or variables.
    ROBOT_OPTIONS=-e disable
    # Robot files
    # Cloud which will be used
    # Docker registry<myprojectid>-t1iylu/odahu
    # Version of odahu-flow
  4. Afterwards, you should prepare an Odahu cluster for Robot Framework tests by using the command:

     /odahu-flow$ make setup-e2e-robot

    NB. You should execute the setup command only once for a new cluster.

  5. The next step is to run the Robot Framework tests:

    /odahu-flow$ make e2e-robot
  6. Finally, cleanup the cluster after testing:

    /odahu-flow$ make cleanup-e2e-robot

    NB. You should run the cleanup command only once, after all testing has been completed.