
The components diagram below shows high level architecture of ODAHU project.


Core components:

  • Training component for executing ML model training jobs in K8S.
  • Packaging component for wrapping up ML model binary to an online service, batch job, library or command line tool.
  • Deployment component for deploying ML model as a service or batch job.
  • Feedback Loop component for collecting prediction feedback and linking it with actual prediction request and response.
  • Connections component for managing credentials for external systems (data storages, code repositories, package repositories, docker registries, etc.) in a secure way. It uses HashiCorp Vault under the hood.
  • Deployment automation scripts for deploying ODAHU components to major cloud providers AWS, Azure, GCP.


  • RESTful API
  • SDK for ODAHU components API generated from OpenAPI/Swagger specification.
  • Web control panel based on ODAHU SDK for interacting with ODAHU components via Web UI.
  • Command line interface based on ODAHU SDK for interacting with ODAHU components via terminal commands.

Extensions for external tools:

  • Argo Workflow templates based on ODAHU SDK and CLI provide Argo Workflow steps for ODAHU Training, Packaging and Deployment APIs Argo Workflow
  • ODAHU Airflow plugin based on SDK provides Airflow operators for ODAHU Training, Packaging and Deployment APIs Apache Airflow
  • JupyterLab extension adds UI features to JupyterLab for interacting with ODAHU components.